Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
How Can You Fall in Love with Your Readers?

How Can You Fall in Love with Your Readers?

And how can your readers fall in love with you?

I just finished a coaching call with an author. And at one point I asked her this question (actually, two questions): How can you fall in love with your readers? And how can your readers fall in love with you?

The thing is, these two questions are probably the two most important questions you can ask yourself as an author.

Perhaps you don't like the word "love" and, if that's the case, use a different word.

But, regardless, the most important thing you can do to market your books is to really care for those you write for. If you care, they will care.

As Rick Blaine said at the end of one of my favorite movies, Casablanca, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Join me if you can on my birthday book marketing Q&A via Zoom. It's tomorrow, January 16th, at 4:00 p.m. Mountain time, 6:00 p.m. Eastern time (U.S.).

Click on this link to join:

It could be the beginning (or continuation) of a beautiful friendship. I hope to see you there.

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Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
John Kremer share stories of real-life book authors who have marketed their books in innovative, fun, and money-making ways. He talks about bestseller strategies, licensing subsidiary rights, creating large Internet tribes, social networking for book sales and prestige, and ultimately selling a lot of books. These stories are short, sweet, practical, inspirational, and doable by any book author, whether a self-publisher, an author published by a big publisher, or a Kindle ebook author. You will love this show! Please subscribe now. Thanks.
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