Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
Seth Godin: How do you sell a ton of books?

Seth Godin: How do you sell a ton of books?

You build a tribe one advocate at a time. You can start today.

How do you sell a ton of books?

Here, according to Seth Godin, is step one of marketing a book:

Sell one.

Find one person who trusts you and sell him a copy. Does he love it? Is he excited about it? Excited enough to tell ten friends because it helps them, not because it helps you?

Tribes grow when people recruit other people. That’s how ideas spread as well. They don’t do it for you, of course. They do it for each other. Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work. If Fred’s book spreads, then he’s off to a great start. If it doesn’t, he needs a new book. …

Step 1 says: If you don’t have a book that can galvanize a tribe, if you don’t have a product that will spread, if you don’t have a service that will generate passion among a group of people, you must stop what you’re doing and start over. …

What we see, over and over, is that the brave but cheap leadership that leads to passionate movements always (always!) defeats the top-down, mediocre, slow-moving and very expensive techniques we all grew up with.

For more inspiration and guidance, check out the rest of Seth Godin’s manifesto on How to Sell a Book (or Any New Idea):

Book Marketing Note from John Kremer

The main job of a book author is to start creating word-of-mouth advocates. You do that one person at a time until you reach a tipping point where more and more readers self-select themselves as your book advocates.

You build a tribe one advocate at a time. You can start today. With the person right next to you.

John Kremer on Tribes: You build a tribe one advocate at a time. You can start today. With the person right next to you.You build a tribe one advocate at a time. You can start today. With the person right next to you.
You build a tribe one advocate at a time. You can start today. With the person right next to you. — John Kremer

How to Sell More Books: An Audio Series

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Selling More Books Audio Series (includes more than 15 hours on book marketing). Only $67. Order here via Paypal or credit card:

Or find out more about this audio collection here:

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Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
John Kremer share stories of real-life book authors who have marketed their books in innovative, fun, and money-making ways. He talks about bestseller strategies, licensing subsidiary rights, creating large Internet tribes, social networking for book sales and prestige, and ultimately selling a lot of books. These stories are short, sweet, practical, inspirational, and doable by any book author, whether a self-publisher, an author published by a big publisher, or a Kindle ebook author. You will love this show! Please subscribe now. Thanks.
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This Book Marketing Podcast is designed to educate and inspire book authors and publishers to do a better job publicizing, promoting, and marketing their books. I know at least 1001 Ways to Market Your Books!
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