Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
Telling Stories Makes Everything Better

Telling Stories Makes Everything Better

Never sacrifice your real life for your writing or your work.

There are many ways to tell a story to make a book better, to enchant a live audience, to make a website better, to enliven a podcast episode. Or to explain what happened last week when I missed three planned episodes of this podcast.

Often when we are in the middle of writing a book or carrying out a marketing plan or producing podcast episodes, our personal lives interrupt. That’s what happened to me. My 13-year-old dog Becky would not eat anything on Tuesday.

When I took her into the vet on Wednesday, I found out she had a huge mass growing in her abdomen area. Apparently not cancerous, but still growing. X-rays and an ultrasound showed that an operation might not save her. We’ll talk to another vet to get a second opinion, but there’s a good chance that Becky won’t live long.

Fortunately she’s eating well now so she won’t waste away, getting weaker and weaker by the day. As with many pet lovers, I love my dog. She has been my companion for more than 13 years. I will miss her when she is gone.

Never sacrifice your real life for your writing or your work. If you are like me, you can’t not write, but make sure you fit in some real life as well. Spend time with those you love. Laugh hard. Walk in the woods. Play with your cats and dogs and children. Be kind to everyone.

Becky, my dog, a few years ago romping in the springtime snow.
Becky, my dog, a few years ago romping in the springtime snow.

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Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
John Kremer share stories of real-life book authors who have marketed their books in innovative, fun, and money-making ways. He talks about bestseller strategies, licensing subsidiary rights, creating large Internet tribes, social networking for book sales and prestige, and ultimately selling a lot of books. These stories are short, sweet, practical, inspirational, and doable by any book author, whether a self-publisher, an author published by a big publisher, or a Kindle ebook author. You will love this show! Please subscribe now. Thanks.
This Book Writing Podcast is designed to educate and inspire writers, book authors, novelists, poets, storytellers, and content creators of all sorts. It focuses on how and why to write a book.
This Book Publishing Podcast is designed to educate and inspire book publishers and self-publishers to edit, design, distribute, and promote the best books.
This Book Marketing Podcast is designed to educate and inspire book authors and publishers to do a better job publicizing, promoting, and marketing their books. I know at least 1001 Ways to Market Your Books!
This Content Creation Podcast is designed to educate and inspire all content creators, including writers, bloggers, podcasters, videomakers, social media marketers, and internet marketers with new ideas and the latest promotional opportunities.