Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
Book Marketing Minute: The New Happy Hour

Book Marketing Minute: The New Happy Hour

This is part two on the new Happy Hour. See part one here:

Remember: If you want to sell more books, you need to start a new Happy Hour—an hour in the morning or early afternoon where you pick up the phone and call people who could make a difference in marketing your books: media people, editors, bloggers, podcasters, website owners, social media influencers, etc.

Note: Most people don't answer their phones these days. They let it go to voice mail. Or, they let their mail box fill up and only take the calls they want to take. Many people in Hollywood now use this strategy to keep their return calls down to a minimum.

Here are some things you should know about this new Happy Hour:

It's a numbers game. All of marketing is a numbers game. It may take 10 or 20 or 50 or even 130 calls before you get one YES.

Results will come. You will get a YES if you call enough people. It's your job to make the phone calls, not their job to say YES.

Stay positive. Keep plugging away. The YESes will come.

Make this a habit. Call every day. Or, at the very least, do your Happy Hour at least three times a week.

Make time for it. If you work full-time, do your Happy Hour during your lunch break or after work. But do it.

Stick to it. Try doing Happy Hour for at least one month. That's the amount of time you need to take to give the new Happy Hour a chance to work its magic.

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Book Marketing Success
Book Marketing Success Podcast
John Kremer share stories of real-life book authors who have marketed their books in innovative, fun, and money-making ways. He talks about bestseller strategies, licensing subsidiary rights, creating large Internet tribes, social networking for book sales and prestige, and ultimately selling a lot of books. These stories are short, sweet, practical, inspirational, and doable by any book author, whether a self-publisher, an author published by a big publisher, or a Kindle ebook author. You will love this show! Please subscribe now. Thanks.
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